Ripple Splash Screen

Documentation: How To Use Ripple

Model Design


This model is embedded in an ArcGIS 8.3 or 9.3 project. You must have ESRI ArcGIS installed to run.

Click on the project (.mxd file) appropriate to the version of ArcGIS you have. It will launch and run you through the license. License is also supplied with this README, then start the model.

A toolbar is set up showing "Ripple", "Reset Project", and "Refresh"

Ripple Button: opens the model interface. Closing it does not end your model run, you can open and close multiple times to view map. All model runs are saved as files in the "projects" directory.

Reset Project: This button DOES end your model run and removes all layers from the map. It also cleans all values from the model.

Refresh: This button will redraw the screen if it gets stuck (a common issue with ArcMap).

bin: model executables. Any changes to this directory will cause the model to fail.
projects: This is where the output of your model runs should go. Anything in here can be safely deleted.
river networks: 1 Watersheds are provided preprocessed for your experimentation.
source code: Source code for both the executables and the interface. Please use as per license.
tables: initial values for the model. Any changes to this directory will cause the model to fail.

IMPORTANT: if you would like to try your own river network with Ripple, it must be an ESRI shapefile of arcs (lines). The shapefile must contain the following fields shown with name: numeric type, explanation:

  • ARC_ID: integer, unique id for each row. In ESRI ArcGIS this would correspond to the shapefiles' FID.
  • LENGTH: double, arc length in meters.
  • SLOPE: double, rise over run. This is best done by measuring slope between 10m contour lines intersecting the river network, since short arcs do not represent total channel slope properly and will result in anomalous model results.
  • FROMAREA: double, this is the drainage area at the upstream end of an arc in square meters (not km). Fromarea is a product of ESRI arcinfo flow accumulation functions.
  • FNODE_: ARC_ID of the upstream river segment.
  • TNODE_: ARC_ID of the downstream river segment.


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